First of all I wish you all a fantastic 2013. May you all have a healty, lovefilled and successful year. 😉
2013 looks very busy already. Lots of performances and other projects coming up. So I’m working on my chops and write a lot of new material. But to me the nicest thing about this music thing is that I meet so many people and get more acquinted with other cultures and genres. I feel very fortunate to be on this journey.
Breathing ( will continue with the Tribute to Mohammed Rafi concerts and also launch some new concepts.
With Karsu I’ll be touring a lot through the whole year. First we start with a theatertour and also perform at the Ankara Jazz Festival and many other great cities in Europe. The theater tour starts this week so check the website of Karsu for dates and tickets:
Slowely but surely I’m working on my own material that I’ll present on the 23rd of February in the Bijlmerparktheater. The show is called ‘The Wind van Voren’ where I perform new compositions with an amazing band and guest vocalists. With my company The Groove Group I’ll launch a trailer in early February. Check for tickets
Let’s stay in touch! So don’t forget to ‘like’ our Breathing page on Facebook!